30 Mar Healthier Heston
The CF management team have been down in London this week scoping out different work and lifestyle opportunities in the area for CF Global staff who are staying down there with us.
Throughout the year a lot of our staff stay in Heston services and we have been looking at ways of providing a healthier lifestyle option while down there.
Firstly, after years of campaigning, we can officially say the Marks and Spensers has been opened this month in Heston West Services, providing much healthier eating options when staying there.
Secondly, we have found a local gym and pool to pair with and have come up with some fantastic deals which our staff can use exclusively.
For everyone who is interested in using the facilities, we have managed to secure everyone with a free day pass to use all gym and pool facilities for FREE, including pool, gym and classes.
We have also managed to strike a pay as you go deal for £7.70 each time you want to go (down from £10) and if we can get enough interest, we will be able to lower this even further.
For anyone interested in these great deals, get in contact with us on our website or email info@cfglobal.co.uk and we will sort out your free day pass.